The Torah of Music

Lessons in the Musical Dreamscape of the Jewish Sages

Drawn from his 2017 National Jewish Book Award winning work, "The Torah of Music," Joey tells the story of music in the spiritual practice of Jewish life.

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Overview Video: "The Torah of Music"



Joey teaches the Torah of Music in three parts, accompanied by PDFs of all of the relevant texts.

This course is part of the all-access pass for $18 per month.

Part 1: Opening Our Ears

Learn how nigun is a ladder to the heavens, helping us sense the world's nuances and subtleties, like music opened the ears of the prophets. (7 videos)

Part 2: The Community of Song

Learn how music is essential to all life, and how singing allows us to connect to the songs that are being sung by all of creation. (6 videos)

Part 3: Musical Healing

Learn how nigun restores balance to the body, dispels depression and reminds us of our inner essences. (5 videos)

See the sounds of the Torah of Music!

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed for anyone who would like to learn about the musical-spiritual dreamscape of the Jewish tradition.  

Weisenberg's teaching is accessible to those who are starting out in Jewish music and also to those who are already advanced.

Study these videos and the accompanying texts, and you will will be able to understand and share the Torah behind song and music.


Part 1: The Torah of Music

Learn how nigun is a ladder to the heavens that opens our ears up to be able to sense the nuances and subtleties of the world, like music used to open up the ears of the prophets. (7 videos, 1 source sheet)

Part 2:  The Community of Song

Learn how music is essential to all life, and how singing allows us to connect to the songs that are being sung by all of creation. (6 videos, 1 source sheet)

Part 3:  Musical Healing

Learn how nigun restores balance to the body, dispels depression and reminds us our inner essences. (5 videos, 1 source sheet)



There are 18 videos in the series - 5 to 15 minutes each - adding up to several hours of instructional sessions with a master practitioner and teacher of deeply rooted Jewish music. 

Many people emerge from Joey's workshops eager for a systematized series that can help them to take their inspiration and bring it into the world.  This series is for you!  

If you have never attended a workshop with Joey, please come sometime! In the meanwhile, this series will help you make music in your community.  

The structure of this series allows aspiring practitioners of every level to learn, or deepen their understanding of the Jewish musical tradition at their own pace. Some may want to delve into the ancient sources related to listening while other will want to understand the textual basis for music a healing force. The videos and source sheets in this series work together as a whole but each section stands up on its own.

Want more "Torah of Music"?

The Torah of Music (2017)

In The Torah of Music, a National Jewish Book Award winning work, Joey Weisenberg brings together a comprehensive collection of 180 curated texts from the Jewish musical-spiritual imagination. In the first half, Weisenberg reflects on ancient texts alongside stories from his life as a musician. In the second half, Weisenberg presents a bilingual ‘open library’ of traditional texts on the subject of music and song, garnered from over three thousand years of Jewish history, to open up the world of Jewish musical thought to all who are willing to join the song.
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